Thank you for asking at HCM.
I went through your history. I would like to make following suggestions to you:
Food allergies can improve with age but they are unpredictable.
Fish allergy are more likely to be outgrown as compared to shellfish allergies.
2. Were I treating you, I would suggest you allergy testing with skin tests/specific IgE levels with ImmunoCAP to look for allergy to fish and shellfish. If both of them are negative, you can consider yourself at low risk of reacting to that particular food.
3. Personally I would suggest you to consult an allergist who will perform an Oral Food Challenge Test to see whether you react to selected foods (sea foods and fish). These tests are performed with readiness to deal with any
allergic reaction, which can be treated as soon as possible. If you can pass the test without reaction, you can consider yourself allergy free.
Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you.
Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at HCM.
Wish you the best of the health.
Thank you & Regards.