Complications to pursue after a week and a half of having my chronic sinusitis diminish. My question is in relation to my current ailments and where to go. I ll begin with the beginning of my sinusitis. It began with a constant head ache, daily at that and a stuffy nose that I had eventually become used to. The headaches became more and more unbearable as 3 weeks of such a constant remained, so I had taken my troubles to the hospital. From the first to the third maybe even fifth time coming into the E.R. I was given a very light examination as my major symptom was that of a head ache rather than the stuffed nose I had endured and become used to. Each visit was I waved off as the head aches were thought to be from the anxiety alone. Which I find quite silly as my anxiety stems from daily headaches in which were not diminishing. My hopelessness grew as I developed further symptoms, inflamed ears with a heavy pressure within, as if I was in a air plane with an addition to a very itchy inner to the minor pain. My nose began to excrete a mucus unique to me as it dried quickly and was extremely sore to remove from the round edges of my nasal canals. The hospital was a factor in my hopelessness as each visit I had previously regarding my symptoms came down to my anxiety being a ruling cause and the other symptoms were disregarded as the belief of my anxiety was a continuous conclusion . Though my anxiety has never been to induce such symptoms... I took myself to a urgent care center when my symptoms came down harder than ever, my ears as I described before, seemingly worse. A migraine with disorentation, explaining myself was horrid as I was a broken being coming into the urgent care center. The doctor, unlike any at the hospital asked me to open my mouth to where he saw immediately signs of an infection. Than to look into my ears and to furthermore find more of an infection. It was clear it was Sinusitis and I was soon to be given congenital oral antibiotics , being one month now into the moderate stages of Sinusitis. My first doctors appointment came shortly after the first administer of antibiotics where my doctor had me come on a weekly basis to follow the infection and make sure everything is entirely all right. Pardon such a long post, I ll be more brief with this stage and to the end of my sinusitis. I was to visit him on the weekly basis, the infection persisted and I ended up getting worse. Ending up at the hospital, as I was adviced by my doctor to get a CT of my head. Mild disease was present in my left side and I was given more moderate anti biotics to alleviate the symptoms, even so it might entirely do nothing. I was instructed to visit a nose, ears and throat doctor as soon as I can. I believe it was two more weeks until I got in where my sinuses and ears were checked, even so my hearing. He prescribed me a steroid to be taken with one of the strongest anti biotics I was to receive through all of which. Two weeks pass and my antibiotics and steroids finished, I was becoming more composed in mind and physically. My deteriorating health had surely started to find it s place. It appeared my sinusitis had diminished but after two more weeks complications arose once again. Within 30 hours I had rapidly developed flu like symptoms. My nose began to run and close entirely rendering my unable to breathe through my nose, mental fatigue, heat waves and the horrid feeling in my ears. I brought myself to the hospital where I was given an unrealistic exam and conclusion after seeing the doctor for ~5 minutes. Asked to spit on a knapkin before her, to look about the color of my mucus to than telling me, that because I lacked a fever and color to my mucus was I most likely to have bronchiatis. This is beyond me with the rest of the symptoms I was to have seemingly pertain to nothing. This was 8 hours in of the initial runny nose, which progressed into thus. I went home and tried to rest as it was all I could do. The itchy inner of my ear was a nuisance but the strange ringing and pressure worried me. I awoke miserable, broken minded and extremely sweaty as I felt like I was burning up. Layed in bed got the remainder of my day up to the next hospital visit. But I will cover further more what was to be the remainder of day two. Laying in bed had the symptoms progressed, my ears were affected still, I was unable to breathe entirely from my nose, my body was extremely sensitive and weak, my spine was sore, I was coughing constantly and I developed a fever of 102.7. I went to the hospital with all of the symptoms mentioned just now, my ears felt swollen and infected like when I had sinusitis 2 weeks back. As if a balloon were inside them. The sensation of being in a airplane. Unable to alleviate the sensation with the emulation of yawns and chewing gum. My body had become extremely weak and painful and laying in the hospital once again was degrading to me as I was feeling hopeless from the unknown reasons to the very brief diagnosis a night before. I had been swab tested for the flu and had an X-ray of my lungs while also being administered an IV and Ibuprofen. I came up negative for A and B of the swine flu ... I felt beyond hopeless as my back and ears were a major concern to me, even so my broken state of mind and fear of sinusitis returning left me laying with the thought in mind of whether the infection was in my brain or if I had acquired some form of meningitis. I hadn t listed this earlier as a symptom but my taste had changed over the course of condition I acquired. The thought of my ears being in a state once before when I had sinusitis, yet now the infection is not to be seen in my ears further worried me. Fearful of my lack of understanding for all of which I was to be enduring, my symptoms that is, had no definite resolution or diagnosis as I was leaving the hospital. The doctor couldn t rule out what it was to be but concluded the night with me having a viral respiratory illness. I lay now in bed once again, the symptoms remaining and a mind lost in anxiety over the fear of sinusitis returning. I hope to get some help from a physician willing with the experience or education to say what all of this may be. Please help this anxious heart. . .