Hallow Dear,
At 5 weeks of gestation, even though the
gestational sac is seen by
ultrasonography, embryo may not be clearly visible.
Whatever the case, she has taken Cytotc tablets. These tablets contain
Misoprostol which causes developmental abnormalities in the baby. Hence, if this medicine fails to terminate the
pregnancy, it should be terminated by some surgical method like MVA aspiration.
Moreover, follow up study o her hCG levels is showing rising levels meaning thereby that the baby is growing.
Please do not continue this pregnancy for the risk of abnormalities in the baby. Let the doctor perform evacuation of the
uterine cavity to terminate the pregnancy by whichever method he/she feels suitable and safe for the gestational period. Mostly, if she is under 10 weeks of gestation, her pregnancy can be terminated by MVA aspiration which is a very simple procedure.
I hope you got the message.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri