Hi, thanks for posting your concern in the HCM.
First of all, a diabetic patient should control his body weight. If you are living in a developing country, your BMI should be between 18.5 to 22.5. Secondly, I don't prefer use of any synthetic commercial product to any patient. A healthy die rich in dietary fibres and protein with restricted fat, calorie and sodium, taken in small amounts at frequent interval with regular exercise should be the dietary and lifestyle modification according to international guidelines. You have got
insulin dependent diabetes at a younger age. And, a blood sugar level of 350 or 400 (Fasting or PP, whatever it is) is very high and should be considered as poor control. A stringent control of diabetes is needed, especially at this age, to prevent long term complications of diabetes and live a healthy life. Please consult your local doctor for further evaluation and do one
HBA1c test and follow his advice accordingly to keep your
glucose level within normal range.
For any further query, please write back to us. Regards. Dr. Kaushik