Hi & welcome.
I appreciate your concern for the efficacy of
Tryptomer for headache due to
high BP.
It is not safe to take Tryptomer for headache due to
In addition to being used in the treatment of depresssion, panic disorder, and certain painful conditions like
migraine headache & chronic painful neuralgias, it is not approved to treat the headache due to hypertension.
Your BP should be recorded by a doctor and based on the readings the high BP should be treated with medications. Once your BP is controlled headache will also subside if it is due to high BP.
Other causes of headache should be looked for and treated accordingly by your treating doctor in case if your headache does not subside even after contolling your BP.
Lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, dietary salt restriction, avoidance of red meat, should be followed.
Hope to have answered your query.
A feed back is appreciated.