you didn't mentioned the age of your daughter, whether she married or not.
How it was diagnosed that she is having vaginal infection? Means whether it is told by doctor after examining or she herself thinking that she is having infection?
I am asking this because many people mistake
physiological leukorrhea as vaginal infection.
iorrhea is
vaginal discharge, it can be called physiological
when it occurs under influence of
if it is mucoid or whitish,
without any smell, minimal in quantity.
slightly increased amount of physiological leukorrhea is seen during ovulation,
pregnancy, during intercourse.
In case of vaginal infection pathological leukorrhea occurs,
which will be of altered color,staining the undergarments,
associated with foul smell,
associated pain abdomen, fever etc features may be present.
It can also occur in conditions like
hormonal imbalance or malignancy.
You consult gynecologist and let your daughter undergo local examination to rule out vaginal infection.
take care