I am 30 years old, 33 weeks pregnant with my first, and have been noticing a light brownish discharge almost daily, some days with more discharge than others, for about a month now. I went for my OBGYN appt yesterday afternoon, and the doctor said she noticed blood in my urine. She did a pelvic exam and said she saw some blood, but was thinking it could be coming from my bladder. She had me sit up and lightly pounded different areas on my lower back, but I felt no pain. She had me take another sample, instructing me to wipe inside and out, then peeing. I did so, and she said there was still blood. I was sent home with a specimen container that I dropped off this morning. After coming home, I went to the bathroom to pee, but right before I flushed, I noticed something that looked like a brownish-gray piece of tissue in the bowl! Is this normal? I ve never noticed it before...