Early the other morning while I was watching a show on TV (1:30 A.M.) I felt my..self getting very cold even though I did not have air conditioning on. I started shaking uncontrollably and my sister got out my blood pressure wrist cuff for me. My pressure registered 191/114. My pulse was 92. My pressure gradually went down. This has happened to me in the past, off and on for several months and I was treated for about a year with my physician trying to find the medication that would work. I went to the ER for the first four or five episodes and would remain until my pressure would come down. Now, when it happens, I just wait and it goes down. I always know when my blood pressure is rising and when it goes down, I am washed out for a day or so depending on how long it takes to get back to normal. (With medicine my pressure is usually around l20/70). Every time this happens (This is only the second or third time in about six months), I become fearful as my mother had two strokes by the time she was my age. I am 76. Need I be concerned or is it safe to act as I do? Do you have any suggestions on what might be going on? Thank you./Gerrie