Hi, I've been experiencing reading problems my whole life, but it hasn't become a problem until now (my 3rd yesr in university). Its not that I can't understand the words, but that I can't focus for what seems much longer than 15 seconds. After I read a paragraph, I find myself wondering "what did I just read?". I get mostly A+ or A for my grades, but now I'm worried how much longer memorizing my notes will save me from having to read. My friend mentioned ADHD. She also mentioned that it makes some sense because I am always moving my feet or hand, and cant stop making throat-clearing sounds. However, If I had ADHD wouldn't I be constantly unfocussed (granted I am on most things I do)? When I play computer games, for example, its like nothing can distract me. People have to come right up to me and nudge me before I notice that they were calling for me. Could I have ADHD? It was never mentioned by my teachers when I was younger, so I don't even recall if I had such problems up until high-school. Could I have ADHD? If not, what might it be? I know it sounds like I might be a lazy student who doesn't want to read, but I'm not. I work roughly 10 hours every single day to learn what I need to, and my grades are good. I don't have any music or T.V. on whilst reading either.