Hallow Dear,
Masturbation is a physiological action and not something weird at all. It is a practice by which an individual gets a sexual satisfaction when the sexual partner is not available.
To get sexually excited is also a normal physiology of a body. The urge to have sex is governed by certain hormones in the body and by the cultural set up. There is nothing abnormal in that.
In fact, unsatisfied sexual urge may lead to chronic pelvic congestion. This may then cause chronic low
backache, heavy
menstruation which may be painful also.
In women, masturbation is mainly by two ways - one is to stimulate the
clitoris externally which is comparatively safe. This keeps the
hymen intact. The second method inserting some foreign object or own fingers inside the vagina. This causes the breaking of hymen. If the object (dildo) used for vaginal insertion is not clean and healthy, it may carry infection to the reproductory tract. Therefore you have to choose the method of masturbation and maintain proper hygiene. You should not masturbate while you are in menses or are bleeding for hygienic reasons.
Masturbation is neither a sin or a guilt.
I hope this resolves your dilemma. If your are convinced, you think of casting a "Helpful Vote" for me.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri