Hallow Dear,
If a woman in childbearing age group, who is sexually active misses her period we have to suspect
pregnancy unless and until proved otherwise. So, yes madam, missing a period should be looked upon as first cardinal symptom to suspect pregnancy.
The other cardinal symptoms of pregnancy, which usually appear about a week to 10 days after missed period are:
Nausea and
vomiting with pica: Your repulsion towards
smoking may be attributed to pica. Even you may experience aversion to certain types of, in particular fried and spicy food.
Frequent urination.
3. Breast changes: Engorgement of the breasts with tenderness, dark discolouration of nipples and
areola with areolar widening, Montgomery's tubercles under areola and secretions though nipples.
You have not mentioned any other symptoms. So I presume they may be absent. However, all the symptoms may not be present in each individual. Hence I feel the best option for you would be to perform pregnancy test on the overnight first early morning urine sample. This would clarify the situation.
Madam, if you are not pregnant, all the symptoms you have described may be attributed to the stressful situation you are facing about your relationship with your boyfriend. I would advise you to seek for a professional help of a counsellor.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri