I am a registered nurse in a coronary care unit.
Your question is quite complex as one really needs to do a physical assessment, however this would be my advice to you.
1. Your
beta-blocker may be prescribed for several reasons. If it is prescribed for
hypertension your gp may not want to increase it depending on how much it has slowed your
heart rate.
A better option may be to combine it with another drug.
2. That drug will depend on what other cardiac, kidney diabtes, or health issues you have.
3. Your blood pressure could be elevated for a number of reasons. Have you increased your fluid intake over the hot weather(I'm in Australia)?
Stress, timing. positioning, etc could all effect it.
4.In the acute setting (as I care for inpatients who are acutely unwell), we have different standards as what we accept as "normal".
Depending on if you have
heart failure or any cardiomyopathies will determine if this is an acceptable blood pressure for you.
But over a longer period an elevated blood pressure can increase your risk of
heart attack,
stroke etc.
My advice would be to monitor your BP and your daily routine to see if anything is changed, and see your gp soon.
Don't panic its not urgent, just get it checked.