Hello. Well, gosh, it sounds like something I get once in a while, but I noticed mine happening when I haven't been eating well enough. I think when you feel like your heart isn't beating, it is, but it is going into a type of a very soft, rapid, beat (and no, you can't feel it). What it is, with me anyway, is called heart palpitations. It doesn't happen often in me either. However, my mother gets them so often and so badly that they had to put her on special medication to keep it steady and normal. She's had them for 40+ years and when you get them often, like she did, it causes the heart to get weak. But, mine, happens when I find myself not eating properly, or when my blood pressure rises (like you do when you feel stressed about this and things in life). My doctor put me on a medication called 'atenolol'. It regulates my blood pressure, which stopped the heart palpitations. Sometimes I get them when I haven't eaten for a long period of time, eat, and then that fluttering, skipping, hard to breathe feeling comes. Believe me, when that happens, I wished my foot could reach my hiney a little easier. I feel like kicking myself for not taking care of my body the way I should. Now, I don't know what your eating habits are, but I do know that if you are stressing, it can happen too. I bought a blood pressure band that
fits on my wrist through one of those health magazines. When I feel my heart doing that, I take my blood pressure and find it way bad. So, if you can find one of those in a health store or magazine, internet.. get one. They're not all that expensive. And, take care. Don't stress.. yeah, I know.. easier said than done.. I'm sorry.. I hate it when people tell me that too... but, don't stress.. lol. Enjoy life, and if it starts doing this more often, go back in and talk to you doctor again.. k? you just take care now.. Don't be afraid. I wish there was a way you could keep us posted, but I do have Yahoo 360. I'm trying to figure out IM..