Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
It certainly is not unusual to have pelvic
pain during intercourse after
hysterectomy, regardless if you had a mesh placement or not. It can take up to 6 months for your vagina to completely heal after the hysterectomy. Furthermore, the mesh that was placed produces scar tissue around your urinary opening that on the one hand helps treat
urinary incontinence, but on the other hand may have created an area of scarring which may have difficulty stretching upon the initiation of intercourse.
I certainly think that a visit to your gynecologist for pelvic examination would be warranted. If you are menopausal, vaginal
estrogen can sometimes help to thicken the walls of vagina and provide lubrication to make intercourse less painful. In addition,if you're surgery was recent, you can expect some discomfort from the healing process from even up to 6 months after the surgery. Using lubricants internally and externally every time you had intercourse can help with discomfort. It is unlikely that the mesh itself is causing any type of problem if you're not experiencing vaginal bleeding.
So in summary, I do recommend that you see your gynecologist to make an accurate diagnosis via pelvic examination. However, in the meantime, using lubricants should improve your comfort during intercourse.
I hope that I was adequately able to answer your question today, and that my advice was helpful.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown