Hello and welcome,
I understand the problem well.
It is possible for the tubes to sometimes get recanalised and
pregnancy occurs. But this is very rare.
However if your periods are very regular then I suggest that you get a pregnancy test done 7-10 days after the missed period to tule out pregnancy. Also other causes of
irregular periods are hormonal imbalances, peri
menopause and ovarian cysts. Stress, rapid weight gain or
weight loss also cause similar complaints. So please check if any of the above factors are present.
If the periods continue to be absent for more than a month despite a negative pregnancy test then an evaluation by a gynecologist and further testing in the form of hormonal assay and
ultrasonography is advised.
Do not worry, many a times minor hormonal imbalances are self correcting and periods come after some time.
Hope this satisfies your query.
Thanks for using HCM.
Feel free to ask any more questions that you may have.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist