Hello dear
I understand your concern
There is always chance of
pregnancy in the unprotected sex.
But as you did sex in the period time, pregnancy is not possible.
To become pregnant, full penetrative sexual intercourse in the fertile period of cycle is require.
You already mention that your period is unpredictable sometime ao it is normal.
Your period will come in next few days.
If it will not come then it may be
hormonal imbalance, ovarian cyst/PCOs and excessive stress.
reproductive hormone analysis, USG scan and
ovarian follicle study will help in above diagnosis.
Progesterone shot/Pill will help to induce period under the advise of gynecologist in above cause.
Avoid stress, do regular exercise and take healthy diet with
multivitamin supplements.
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further health query
Best regards
Dr. Sagar