Hello. I had protected sex with my boyfriend twice this cycle. That is on 17th and another day after that. Maybe a week. My fertile days were June 10 11 12. My "maybe fertile" days according to Period Calender was 13 14 15 16. After which were all safe days. I was supposed to get my periods four days ago. I still haven't got it. I have no cramps, no breast tenderness, no morning sickness and no constipation. However, this month I got the Influenza with high fever and a bad cold. Of which I still haven't recovered. This was before having sex. And I had food poisoning about a week before. So I have been sick and I understand that not being healthy can cause period delays. The condoms were two years away from expiring and we checked leakage from base right after he pulled out. He came once on both occasions. I am a PCOS patient and have had irregular periods in the past. Like two years ago. I also had some of my cysts surgically removed about a year ago and periods were back to regular since then. Though last I checked I did have small cysts. I haven't checked in the near past. I just wanted to know, given all the things above, my chances of being pregnant. As I'm trying to avoid being.