I hit my temple bone on freezer corner while having a few drinks 3 days ago, was dazed for a few seconds but didnt lose consciousness. I couldn’t tell if it was severe since I was inebriated. Immediately after hitting i developed a small dark soft bump, looks& feels like pooled blood under skin where I hit. A day after drinking I now having pressure problems in that area when I bend over, cough, etc. it’s not painful but does give a throbbing/sharp sensation pulsating for a few seconds at a time. No major headache at all, just a kind of dull sensation throughout my left temple area and the sporadic pressure feelings. It is sensitive to touch. I am prescribed adderall 20mg twice daily for adhd. I did not take my medicine the day I hit my head. Wondering if this is anything to be worried about? I do suffer from tmjd and get jaw pain surges that radiate, I’m wondering if it makes the injury more noticeable/painful? Should I get checked?