Greetings and welcome to HCM. Thank you for your question. I carefully read your query.
At your age, I would also recommend a 24-hour Holter rhythm monitor registration just to exclude the 1% of doubt that I would have had, about the fact that this phenomenon could be dangerous. As long as your Holter registration came back normal, my opinion is that there is nothing to be worried about. All the people in the world, including me, experience
premature ventricular contraction some time in their lives. They can even experience this phenomenon in periods. They are totally benign when they are rare, and harmless. According to your age, I am assuming you are a physically active teenager. Physical activity tends to make these phenomena disappear. Changes in the within
rib cage pressure, such as plain respiration, coughing, lying down, or switching sides in the bed, can cause PVCs. My opinion is that you should stop worrying and live a healthy life, away from bad habits, be physically active and eat healthy. And, in the end, never miss the breakfast, as it is the most important meal of the day and gives you the proper energy to get you going through the day.
I hope I was helpful. Wish you a good health.
Dr. Meriton