Hi, 25 yrs old, 5ft2, 121lbs. I took the morning after pill on day 7 of my cycle. Between day 12-18 I was quite moody, around day 13 I developed sore nipples, which has continued to date (now day 21) I now also have some blue veins on my breasts, am quite bloated & am quite fatigued. Also needing to urinate quite frequently. Started getting brown spotting yesterday but have also had increased clear discharge for the past 2 weeks. If I was experiencing these effects for a few days, I don't think I'd think twice but the fact that it's going on 2 weeks, & all together, not just 1 or 2 symptoms of pregnancy, I'm starting to think possible pregnancy? What is your opinion? I am not due my period for another week but am curious to see what you think as a week of waiting is a long time! Thanks, S.