Hallow Dear,
You had matured follicle and were given
hCG injection for induction of ovulation after which you had sexual relations for 5 days. So there are good chances that you could be pregnant. Some times during early
pregnancy some spotting may show up though it is definitely not a sign of pregnancy.
You have performed pregnancy test too early. You had last period on 12th of last month and you performed urine pregnancy test on 15th of this month. These tests are usually reliable one week after the missed period. When performed so early, these tests may report false negative results. So please repeat the test after 4 days again. This will provide you reliable results.
Alternatively you may opt for
Beta hCG test on your blood any day today onwards for detecting pregnancy.
However, since you had spotting, please take
bed rest till your pregnancy status is confirmed or ruled out. You may need hCG or
Progesterone supplementation if you are pregnant.
Report to your Gynaecologist ASAP.
I hope this helps you today.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri