Hallow Dear,
You had excessive bleeding after previous delivery. That bleeding was due to retroplacental clot which is known to cause deficiency in clotting factors (DIC). I hope you have recovered from the
anaemia as well as clotting factors. I would suggest you to undergo following investigations before you undergo termination of pregnancy:
1. Complete haemogramme with special reference to
Haemoglobin percentage and red blood corpuscles count
2. Platelet count
Bleeding time 4. Clotting time
5. Prothrombin time
6. Fibrinogen levels
If these all blood factors have recovered, then you should not have any risk of excessive bleeding after or during
abortion process. If you are still anaemic, then the risk of bleeding does increase during abortion. In that case treat the anaemia before you undergo surgical abortion.
However, you are just 8 weeks pregnant. So you can undergo termination of pregnancy by Medicines safely. Tab. Mifepristone followed after 24-48 hours by Tab.
Misoprostol is a very effective and safe method of termination of pregnancy up to 9 weeks gestation. Moreover, these medicines being
prostaglandins contract the
uterus strongly and reduce the possibility of excessive bleeding.
These medicines are very effective abortifacient medicines no doubt; however, if at all these medicines fail, the decision of pregnancy termination should not be reverted to continuation of pregnancy since these medicines cause developmental abnormalities in baby. In such event, the pregnancy should be terminated by surgical evacuation of the uterus by MVA or such methods.
TSH levels need not be indication for termination of pregnancy. Hypothyroid condition can be monitored and treated effectively during pregnancy. However, since your first child is very young, your decision to terminate the pregnancy is justifiable.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri