Hi there, I have understood your concern. I will suggest you the best possible treatment options.
1. First of all do not panic.
2 ) per say, swollen vaginal lips can't be concluded as a sign of
The very first and important sign of pregnancy is a missing period.
3. I will suggest you to wait till 5th of June, if you happen to cross the date then I will suggest you to get morning's first sample of urine tested for pregnancy. In case of doubt blood
beta HCG test and USG will be of help.
4. For your concern about the abdominal weight gain, I will suggest you to opt for a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen. Include more portions of fruits, salads and vegetables in daily diet. Avoid deep fried foods, bakery products products and refined sugars. Use of vitamin B 12 and
Folic acid supplements on daily basis will be of help.
I hope this answer helps you .
Dr. Purushottam Neurgaonkar.