Your question about the size of maturing follicle :
On day 8th , it is 18x16x16 mm .
Q: Is this follicle growth normal .
A ==On day 6th size was 14x12x10 , stopped medicine , without medicine it reached a full size , so this is NOT NORMAL .
The size of follicle should be around 19 mm to 20 mm on day 14th 15th at least to rupture and release OVUM .
The size of endometrium thickness must be around 11 mm to conceive.
Q If you conceive , will the
pregnancy be good.
A Yes, IF you conceive pregnancy would be good .
Once ovum and sperm fertilize , it become a different thing .
Since you had
miscarriage , so need not to worry and don't take any tension , next time when you get pregnancy , you may carry full term .
Hope this will help you.
Good luck.