Hi Doctor, I am 40 years old, male, Masroor, only one boy 14yrs old premature baby now he is some extent weak and have tightness in knee joint. My wife had 3 abortions, she is 38. So I decided yesterday to take a analysis of mine. So here is that.. in analysis report of my semen is..
Volume about:1.5ml PH:8.0 Active Motile:60% Sluggish Motile:20% Non-Motile(deads):20%
Pus Cells: 8-10/hpf Total Sperms Count: 46.0 millions/ml DC..Normal Sperms: 70% Abnormal Spersms: 30%
Summery:...Motility and Total Sperm count may bot be accurate due to partial liquefaction after 120 minutes.
Please suggest
Thank you