I have been on Junel for almost two years now. I am very good about taking my pills in the same time frame every day, however, this past pack of pills I did not do so well with. During my active pill week I missed the three last pills and ended up getting my period or withdrawal bleeding right away. I just didn t think much of it and planned to start a new pack on Sunday. Well, I ended up having unprotected sex Saturday night. So the last three pills I didn t take were Thurs, Fri, and Sat. My bleeding was pretty heavy and my partner pulled out (I know that s not the most effective or best way). About 12 hours later I took Plan B to be extra safe. Is this something I should worry about? Are my chances of pregnancy slim or fairly high? I have heard that even within those three days of not taking my pills I could have ovulated...is this true? I just need to get my mind at ease. I am worrying pretty badly right now. Thank you so much.