Deviry is a progestational medicine. In cases of delayed menses, this medicine is prescribed for 5 days. After discontinuation of the tablets, usually within 4 to 7 days, withdrawal bleeding is observed. So do not be impatient. Wait for few days and you will get menses. However, Deviry alone is not prescribed to achieve
Since you are having
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (
PCOS), you will have to take medicines for inducing the ovulation (egg release). PCOS is a condition which is characterised by failure to release eggs.
The medicines used for induction of ovulation are
Clomiphene citrate or HMG/hCG combination. You will have to undergo a battery of investigations like blood levels of FSH, LH, Oestrogen,
Prolactin, and AMH.
Based on the results of the investigations, medicine(s) for induction of ovulation will be chosen. The medicines for induction of ovulation are given only after inducing the menses to prevent their use in undiagnosed pregnancy. You have to work actively to reduce your weight. Please maintain your BMI between 18 and 23.9. Please report to your Gynecologist after you get withdrawal bleeding so that you can be given medicines for induction of ovulation. I hope along with resolving your dilemm.
I have provided you some preliminary guidance. Hope this will be helpful. Let me know if you require further advice. For more detailed advice, you may ask me direct question on this forum.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri