welcome to HCM..
Thanks for your query...,
Growth of the individual is very complicated issue..,
I will try to explain....
It is secrete from Ant.
pituitary gland in the Brain...
Fastest growth seen in embryonic life (2 feet)..,
After only 3 growth spurts are seen at...infancy, childhood and
It depends mainly on Nutrition......After 1 year...,
Endocrine factors come in the action...,
During the first 2 years of growth called...Catch up Growth...,
Childhood growth depends on GH and Thyroxin...,hence growth is faster..,
The growth spurt during puberty is due to both GH..,and Sex
After Growth is very less..So evaluate where growth is defective..?
consult good pediatric
endocrinologist and follow accordingly....,ok.good luck