The major treatment of
frost bite consists of a controlled temprature bath,so as to reduce tissue damage. During the procedure, pain is aggravated,which needs medical management,along with IV fluids & other therapies to save tissues from
necrosis.So Do not worm the affected area unless you are in a hospital.
At the most you can apply
aloevera ointment ,bandage the affected area wit sterile bandage,placing cotton between affected fingers( to avoid friction)
So my advice to you is to take a break in skiing for awhile, go to a hospital, take doctor's help for treating /removing peeling off skin.
Next time when you go for skiing adopt preventive majors-
Be positive,avoid
depression,Have a friend with you. don't be alone,
Wear dress for for the weather, it should be loose fitting-( tight fitting dress may obstruct blood circulation,double socks,water proof shoes,
Keep hands,feet nose,face covered.
Avoid alcohol/tobacoo.