i was ran over 14 months ago. i have no use of left arm other then the phantpom pain, the only time I have had a doc look or touch my left arem was when I burnt 4 of my fingers 2nd and third degree burn. if I try bto9 adress my left arm they put me in councling. I also have grade 3 shoulder seperation on right shoulder. I was deniied disabiliuty and have haqd to live off my Moms low income. i have alw3ays been a hyper person so Im like a time bomb ready to explode but I calmly sat down here and am attempting the very last att5emt to call ouyt for HELP. i AM GETTING IN MY PICKUP TODAY, HOPEFULLY WITH AN RV TO LIVE IN.(although not looking good) I was told that I could seek my own help, which I thought I needed a doc to send me to the right specialist, i have Co medicade. if I could get disability ALL I WANT TO KNOW IS ANYONE WANNA LOOK AT MY USELESS ARM I AM WILLING TO DO ANYTHING TO SAVE THIS ARM,9IF NOT CUT IT OFF, I CAN NOT TAKE THIS NO JOB AND I HAVE RECOVERED EVERYTHING ELSE.????????