Hello - My husband and I have been trying to concieve for 4 months now and still no baby. I was practicing abstince for 2 years until we got married in September. I had HPV and had to have the leep procedure done in May of 2013. My periods are very irregular and its hard to keep up with when they are coming and how long as well as ovulation time. To make a long story short, I had my period for 2 day beginning 1/2/14 and it ended 1/3/14. After which there was spotting (brownish) in color for about a day and a half after. My periods generally last 4 - 5 days so this was weird to me. I have a few pregnancy symptoms such as headaches, breas heaviness and tenderness at times. Bloated tummy and gasey (burps/ flatulance), some days I unrinate a lot and some days I dont. I have this thick kinda cloudy and stretch discharge but no odor. I have no cravings or sickness and my appetite is a little more than usual but nothing major. i took a pregnancy test last night and it was negative. My husband and I last has sex on 1/1/14. Am I reading too much into this, did I take the test too soon and is there any way that I could be pregnant?