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Post-operative bleeding is unusual. Most bleeding is minor and you may only see a little coating of blood on the tongue.
If your child has bleeding:
Small amount of bleeding:
-Have your child drink ice water and sit down and rest.
Large amount of bleeding or bleeding that does not stop: Bring your child to the emergency department immediately .
Prevent bleeding:
Do the following to prevent or reduce the risk of bleeding from your child's
tonsil areas:
Do not smoke around your child, or take him to smoky areas after surgery.
Do not let your child do rough or active play activities. No wrestling, running, or yelling.
Use ice and ice packs on your child. Put ice in a plastic bag and wrap the bag in a towel. Have your child hold it to the front of his neck or use as directed.
Avoid letting your child drink liquids or eat foods that are hot, spicy, or have sharp edges (such as chips).
Help him brush his teeth gently. Help him rinse his mouth gently to remove blood and mucus. He must avoid harsh gargling or tooth brushing.
Tell your child not to
cough, clear his throat, or blow his nose.