Hi My name is Sujatha, am 46years. I had a difficult time during this month . At first my periods was late by 15days and bleeding was severe and went on for 7days. on the 3rd day , I cahanged aroud 3 to 4 pads. This is very abnormal. for the past 7 months my periods have been normal but only with excesive bleeding in some months.
This month , I consulted a gyne and she put me on raricap and Pause. Pause to be used only during my perods. Raricap 1 tab daily.
In the meantime I was suggested to do a ultrasound scan and further went on to do a TVS. The result showed a .7cm thichness of the lining and also a small fibroid and bulky uteres. I was also detecetd with high cholestrol and Thyriod. (on Roxact sing 4days).
Now my doc. want me to under go a D&C. Is this necessary ? Kindly advise.