Hello. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am a 23 year old female. Early this evening i developed a sort of throbbing, dull ache pain in my right hand (the furthest 2 right fingers). I thought nothing of it and went to sleep. 3 hours later I awoke in discomfort and the throbbing had spread up the underside of my forearm. I am a heavy smoker and on the birth control pill, as well as regular drinker (having just returned from a 3 week holiday with friends, where I consumed over the weekly allowance, and got about 2-3hrs of sleep/night). I think it is fair to say that I have a high-fat, high-salt diet (being a student restricts you somewhat) and I drink a lot of caffeine but I am 53kg and 173cm so not overweight. Should I be worried or just ignore it? I am naturally quite an anxious person but am feeling more noticeably than usual. Sorry this is so long! And thank you for your help.