I am scheduled to have four impacted wisdom teeth removed this Friday, February 17, 2017. It is a non-emergency, elective procedure at this time. I am an otherwise healthy 30 year old male. I had a medical checkup and bloodwork with my general practitioner about 6 months ago, and everything appeared to be normal. During my consultation with my oral surgeon, my blood pressure was taken throughout most of the consultation, and no one mentioned to me that anything was out of the ordinary. I regularly exercise 3 days a week with no significant shortness of breath or dizziness.
For my procedure on Friday, I am scheduled to undergo "twilight" anesthesia as explained by my oral surgeon. I am unsure what exact drugs they will be using, but my understanding is that they will be similar to (if not the same) drugs used for general anesthesia.
My question and high concern involves my recent recreational drug use and its potential adverse effects with the anesthesia. I typically use alcohol and marijuana on the weekends (including this past weekend) with friends, which have caused no problems in the past. More recently (as recent as last weekend), I have also engaged in moderate cocaine use. I will be taking any and all steps necessary to abstain from cocaine usage going forward. I would not consider myself "addicted" to it at this point, so abstinence should not be an issue.
My understanding is that cocaine, due to its relatively short half-life, will typically leave your system within 72 hours. I will be abstaining from all previously mentioned usage this entire week, and it will have been approximately 5 days between any usage and the procedure.
Due to the nature of my work and my father's relationship with the oral surgeon (he is a dentist, they refer work to each other, and I have given my father permission to view my medical records if necessary), I would strongly prefer to not mention any of this to the oral surgeon. At the same time, I understand my safety is important.
To boil all of this information down to my question, if the cocaine metabolites have left my system by Friday morning, will I be in a safer condition to undergo the procedure? Because the procedure is elective, I have no problem postponing the procedure for another 1-2 weeks at a minimum to ensure my system is clean and my vitals are stable. I have read conflicting medical research online, with some journals indicating a cocaine positive patient is not at any greater risk for complications than a cocaine negative patient, but I have seen other medical professionals recommending that such patients wait closer to 2 weeks.
I apologize for the rather lengthy question, but I wanted to provide as much information as possible to receive a more informed response. I do appreciate your help and advice.