My friend who got diagnosed with TM 5 years ago. Since then she has milked it for all it is worth. She is fine - in my opinion 90/100% better. But she claims to have relapses, a numb face, numb or burning sensations on her arms or legs, then will visit doctors and demand MRI s and blood tests, then post photos online of her at the hospital or getting a blood test done etc, so we all know. Her neurologist in town said she didnt want to hear from her again unless she was paralyzed. We went to another town 2 hours away for a consultation to talk about the latest MRI she had demanded 2 months ago. She said it was 100% clear, nothing at all to worry about and her NMO results came back negative. I have done a lot of research on TM because I have doubts into the sincerity of her condition. I read that 75/90% of cases are monophasic. She was never paralyzed, her arm was numb when first diagnosed but it hasnt been like that again, although she claims to have predictable relapsed all the time, usually around the time her current boyfriend isnt paying her enough attention. I read that there is a thing called Factitious Syndrome, and when i relate it to her behaviour, it all adds up. She is 27 by the way. I have so much more to say on the subject but I dont want to take up any more of your time. I was just wondering if you could please confirm that TM is a monophasic disease, and that she could in fact be suffering more from facticious syndrome (which I have heard is actually a mental disorder) Kind regards