To start with the acidity problem can be taken care of by regular causious diet
- Apart from avoiding certain food viz. spicy,v hot,oily, tea,coffee, alcohol etc.
- one has to have regular,small &multiple servings(eg.-1 cup of freeze cool milk every 2 hrs )
-Avoid late eating or fasting
-take help of antacids like Tab. gelusil-2 tabs to be sucked 8 hrly/drugs like histac300 mg twice a day ,/drug like
Omez 20 twice a day /tab pernorm 1 if vomitting +ve WITH A PHYSICIANS ADVICE.
-Keep away from tensions,
stress & strain.don't worry, most of the times releif is there with medicines &change in life style .
-Only few pt. need surgery.
Thankyou & wish you a speedy recovery.