I know I may be a little paranoic but never the less...2 weeks ago me and my boyfriend were having fun, he wanted to have sex and put it in (with no condom) but I wasn't ready, so we didn't do it. I know there are slightly no chances that something could go wrong, but I stressed myself so much (because of possible pre-cum in that 2seconds when it was in) that after 2 days I took Norlevo because I wanted to be calm. 5 days from taking the pill I noticed light spotting just once (I thaught it is ovulation spotting) in a day and then nothing for 4 days, then i noticed spotting again but it is lasting now for 3 days. It is not like menstrual bleeding, it is more pinkish and blood is fresh. Could you say, whether this is just side effect of Norlevo, or am I pregnant (which I really doubt), or is something else wrong? Thank you for your replay!