Hello, I am 32 y/o female on hormone replacement therapy (estrogen transdermal patch and progesterone 1 week per month.) I have been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure 6 years ago. Recently I skipped my progesterone because my period came the month before this past month and the month before that. This month I have not had a period but I have had 2 occasions of spotting 3 weeks apart. The spotting is light pink, watery and only when I have wiped on 2 separate occasions. So in total I have not take. Progesterone for about 4 months although I have the estrogen patch on daily. I took a pregnancy test (thinking/hoping the first occasion of light spotting (3 weeks ago) was implantation bleeding) a few days ago and it s negative. I have been feeling very mildy nauseous off and on for 1 week. The second incidence of light pink spotting while wiping was this evening. I don t have abdominal or pelvic pain, fever, bloating, urinary frequency or any other symptoms besides the very mild nausea and occasional indigestion (which I never usually get) I do not usually spot between periods and I am concerned. I will make an appt with my gyn MD next week but I wanted to run it by an MD tonight. Of course my concern is uterine cancer or something like that. Thanks for reading!