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It's not uncommon to feel itchy, particularly around your growing belly and breasts as your skin stretches to accommodate them.
Hormonal changes may also be partly to blame. It usually disappears right after delivery.
Ways of getting relief from the itching?
It depends in part on the cause. If your itchiness is just from your skin stretching or being dry, these simple measures may be enough to give you some relief:
1. Avoid hot showers and baths, which can dry out your skin and make the itching worse. Use mild, unscented soap (some scents can cause irritation) and be sure to rinse the soap off well and towel off lightly.
2. Take an occasional warm oatmeal bath. (You can buy oatmeal bath preparations in drugstores.)
3. Slather on unscented moisturizer after you've showered or bathed.
4. Try putting cool, wet compresses on itchy areas.
5. Avoid going out in the heat of the day, since heat can intensify the itching.
6. Wear loose, smooth cotton clothing.
Best wishes