For the last 6-8 months (maybe more) i have had severe hair problems ( i have never had hair problems before) it started off becoming itchy then producing white flakes even though i use head and shoulders shampoo and conditioner (anti dandruff shampoo) so i washed my hair more, about 3 4 times a week which stopped the ityness but the flakes were still there everytime i brushed or touched my hair they would come out, i ignored it and continued using an anti dandruff shampoo (as ive never had dandruff before so i didnt know how long it d take for it too go) but it clearly wasn t dandruff, after a month i started noticing hair loss on the right side of my hairline, im 21 i have always had thick hair my dad has good hair he is 56 my two granddads have good hair they are 68 and 74 as well as my mam and two sisters have great hair, my brother has too bu8t he once got a bald patch at the back of his head and the doctors said it was stress gave him some cream and it was gone other than that his hair has always been good, so my hair loss cant be fromn my family, i went to the dotors but as my hair is medium length and was thcik everywhere else the doctor dismissed it and gave me nizoral 2% shampoo ( ketoconazole 2% w/w (20 mg per g) for the white flakes which worked but my hair loss got worse and worse over time,and my itchyness persisted, i ignored it as the doctor said its natural too loose hair and it ll grow back, so i continued too use the shampoo as well as head and shoulders as it was sometimes needed too wash the nizoraol all out, a month later my hair wasnt growing back but getting worse and i noticed thinning patch at the back of my head i ignored it and after another month i had a few more thin patched down the centre of my head my hairline had gone back a lot, bhut thanks too my thick hair in the other places not affected it didnt appear that way only when you really look, i went back too the doctors and got somwe Capsal Therapeutic Shampoo ( Salicylic acid 0.5% w/w, coconut oil 1.0% w/w, distilled coal tar 1.0%) i ve used this for about longer than a month my hair loss still continues and my head is even more itchy so this shampoo i think is making it worse, almost all of my hair that comes out has white ends (bulbs) so is my hair severely damaged ?? it feels it and has felt it for months, it stresses me out it irritates me every day and depresses me so that can t help me or my hair, what is this i have do you know ? psoriasis , dermitisis ?? why has my hair got thin patches all over, and why the white ends, before this my hair has always been thick and great hairline, any more information please ask, i dont know how to explain too the doctors where i go as english isn t there first language and its hard too explain, can you help me here too please as its really stressing me out and depressing me, thankyou