Jaw Pain: Pain Killers 2-3 times per day and
soft diet, minimum opening of the joint.do not brush our teeth, only gargle etc should help and may even cure you.But wat is important is to get examined and to find out why it happened, is there
injury, infection, stress( Mental),old injury etc.Waiting for 1 week should not be of any harm.Keep me informed about your progress.
Dr Prakash Chhajlani. M.S.,M.Ch.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon.
Ganga Jamuna Apartment,South Tukoganj.
Near Nath Mandir.Indore.452001.India
Tel.O & R. 91-731-2511411/12. R.2366588. Appointments:0731 2511411- 10.30-7 pm.
Web site:http://www.cosmetic-plastic-surgeon.com,