Pigmentation around mouth is
perioral hypermelanosis.
There may be some cause.
Vitamin deficiencies,anaemia,endocrinal diseases,allergy,stress,cosmetics,internal diseases..etc
Detailed history taking and investigations may needed.
kojic acid conaining cream daily at night.
Take Vitamin C ,B12 and E, and glutathion with nicotinic acid.
Acne vulgaris is very common problem.
Avoid milk,ghee and oily food.
Avoid stress and worries.
Minocycline 50 mg daily for few months might improve your acne.
You may apply clinamycine gel.
Hair fall in youcase may be tellogen effluvium.
Again, there are many causes.
Stress,vitamin and mineral deficiencies, anaemia,internal diseases,infections..like typhoid..etc
Biotin for long time might imorove the hair loss.
Stroid lotion may be applied on scalp.
Mild herbal shampoo may be done.
All the conditions may improve with perfect treatment.
You may
consult dermatologist.
Dr. Ilyas Patel MD