Hi ! Good evening. I am Dr Shareef , a
general surgeon answering your query.
How is you dietary habit ? If you eat from outside, specially fried and fast spicy food, your intestines may be intolerant to a particular type of food component, like
gluten or lactose,which are under diagnosed because they are usually not thought of initially. Also if you are eating out, some kind of intestinal infection might have creeped into your intestines, causing these problem.
If I were your physician, I would have advised you for a routine
stool test for ova and
cyst, followed by an appropriate antibiotic if positive for any kind of bacteria/parasites. If this is excluded, then I would advise you to see by yourself by excluding one after the other components of your food to see if after ingestion of a particular type of food causes this kind of symptoms in you. Also exclude food containing gluten in your diet and see the effect. You may have to take the help of a dietitian to get success in this trial.
If all these are excluded, and then considering your reddish coloured vomits, I would have referred you to a gastroenterologist who might go for an endoscopic examination of your intestines before labeling you as a case of
Irritable bowel syndrome.
I think this much of information will help you in discussing out the problem with your family physician. In the mean time, you may start with a
proton pump inhibitor,and a
probiotic which may control your symptoms partially at present.
Thanks for using healthcaremagic for your query on health. Good luck.