Welcome to HealthcareMagic forum.
First let me reassure you. It is normal to loose upto 100 hairs in a day. 100 hair strands are easily replenished with new hair growing from a new hair follicle. Thus what you are having is completely normal.
Nonetheless, I understand you apprehension and suggest you useful recommendations.
Hair fall is aggravated by stress, anxiety and nutritional deficiencies. Hence it is important that you manage your stressers properly with help you regular sleep, regular diet, transcendental
meditation, yoga and physical exercise. These lifestyle changes will help you in the long run to treat hair fall issues.
2. Take a healthy, balanced diet. A diet good in proteins,
vitamins and minerals keeps hair growth within normal limits and strengthens hair.
3. Take care of any
dandruff issues. Use proper antidandruff shampoos such as Nizoral.
4. Restrict the use of hair dryers, chemical colouring/dyes and cosmetics
5. Topical solutions such as
minoxidil which are available on prescription from your local doctor is a useful drug that prevents hair fall. You may use it under supervision of your doctor.
Hope this helps.