Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum .
Measurement of blood pressure is very important technique.
Usually ,if we measure blood pressure with stethoscope ,the reading depends upon hearing capacity of an individual person ( doctor).
If we measure with an electronic instrument than it depends upon where we applied strep.
Normal blood pressure also varies from person to person.
Normal B P is 120/ 80 mm of Hg.
If, it is 100/ 60 mm of Hg , and person have no any problem I , count this B P normal and from many years I have not seen any complications in such type of persons.
So in my opinion , if you are a young (20-30 years old) and athlete, than your pulse 55 per minute is also normal.
Heart beat should be regular, good in volume ( during
palpitation) .
Before any decision regarding we should take at least three reading of B P on three consequent days.
Reading should be taken both in standing and supine position.
If you have not any problems , you should not bother about this reading.
Hope I have answered your question .
If further any question I will help.
Good wishes.