When I did my physical and routine lab, my TSH came very low 0.006. I followed up with endocrinologist, and he found a mild swelling of the thyroid and ordered further blood test (T4 free;Thyroid AB; THS receptor AB, ESR Westergren) and Thyroid scan with uptake. Doctor said that blood results showed negative, which I understood that all was within the range. Today I did the thyroid scan and had minimal uptake of 1% (I was told normal would be 7 - 20%). My doctor should contact me next week with the results, but another opinion is greatly appreciated.
My background, male, 30, never had thyroid problems. Previous TSH results from last august shows 3.5. I am in school and work full time and had a very stressful spring and summer. Sometime in May (few months ago) I had a prolonged cough of several weeks as a result of a cold. My PCP prescribed Prednisone and antibiotic which helped to get rid of the cough. X-ray was ordered and chest was clear. Also lately, I started to get tired easily, and found myself trying to catch my breath during activity or conversation.
Thank you