Hi, I am a nineteen year old female, and about three days ago I noticed I have a dime sized lump on my right mastoid bone. It is not movable and only causes me pain when I touch it. It is not red or irritated. It is not a bug bite, surely not a blemish, and is very hard, almost bone hard. I have had many ear infections as a kid and know positively that this is not a simple ear infection. I looked up a lot on mastoiditis and cysts. I am no medical professional but I can rule out both just based on the symptoms listed. I have been feeling very fatigued and my lower back/ kidney area has been hurting severely for multiple days. If it is any help, two of my grandmothers on my mothers side had cancer. One had ovarian and the other had breast cancer. I am running out of idea on what it could be and am getting quite frustrated. Going to see a doctor is the next step, but for now I am just looking for possible answers.