Hi.. Im from portugal, but i read u are very good, and i feel like i need some advice over my sex life.. Im 22 and have a sex life with my boyfriend for almost 3 years.. However, I feel like there's something wrong with me cuz after sex usually i get a little sore downstairs, so I cant really have 3 ou 4 times a day, like some of my friends, and also some positions really hurt, like doggy style, for instance... Also, and this kind of makes me really sad, i cant have an orgasm... Dont get me wrong, i really like having sex, i love it, and im always in the mood for it, but i feel like there are these limitations, and that there might be something wrong with me... I mean, its not like they dont last long, its usually, without foreplay, about 20 min, so the problem is with me... I kind of need advice on how to not get sore (cause i really feel thats not very normal after 1 time) and how to make some positions not hurtful, and maybe how to get an orgasm... I know these things are learnt over time, and practice, but i kind of want to know how to start, you know? Cause i really want a normal sex life, i want to feel normal in that area, cuz my friends talk about how onde day they made 4 ou 7 times a day, and how they love orgasms, and i feel really bad for not being capable...
Thanks for reading