A few weeks ago I had what looked like a regular misquito bite(above my right elbow)... a few hours after the bite it bruised, swelled and was extremely painful from the shoulder down to the fingers... and had a tingling sensation. Also a few days after this one appeared, I got another one on the same arm, but on the forearm, and smaller... I went to the docs, they said it was from a horsefly. So... ever since that one, I just keep getting random, painful, tingly bruises. I had one on my left pointer finger knuckle, hurt like crazy, but gone the next day. Also had one on the left elbow that same day... Gone as well. I currently have the start of one in my left armpit. It hurts all the way down my arm... The symptoms also include my waking up in the mornings with a sore throat... Very tired, and headaches... Help please!!!